What Are The Requirements for Al-Azhar?


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Navigating the academic and extracurricular landscape to gain admission into a prestigious institution like Al-Azhar University in Egypt is a notable goal for many aspiring students. Known for its rigorous academic standards and rich cultural heritage, understanding the intricacies of its admission requirements is crucial for prospective candidates. This article delves into the essence of Al-Azhar, the difficulty of its admission process, the structure of its examinations, and the associated costs of studying at one of the world’s oldest universities.

How Difficult is Admission to Al-Azhar?

Gaining admission to Al-Azhar is considered highly competitive. Prospective students must demonstrate academic excellence by maintaining a minimum percentage of 55%, but in reality, higher percentages significantly improve admission chances due to the competitive pool of applicants. Moreover, Al-Azhar places a strong emphasis on well-rounded candidates. Participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, leadership roles in projects, and community service are critical components that the admissions panel considers. These activities not only showcase leadership and teamwork skills but also reflect a candidate’s commitment to community and personal development.

How Many Questions Are There on the Al-Azhar Exam?

The Al-Azhar admission exams vary by faculty and the specific program applied for. Generally, these exams are designed to assess both the Islamic knowledge and the general academic preparedness of the candidates. The questions are meticulously crafted to test a wide array of skills including language proficiency, logical reasoning, and specific knowledge pertinent to the chosen field of study. The exact number of questions can vary, but candidates should prepare for a comprehensive examination that thoroughly tests both depth and breadth of knowledge.

What are the requirements for Al-Azhar?

Planning to study at Al-Azhar University in Egypt? Understanding its unique admission requirements is crucial. Al-Azhar not only seeks academically excellent students, with a minimum 55% academic threshold, but also values well-rounded individuals. Participation in extracurricular activities like sports, leadership in projects, and community service can significantly enhance your application. Dive into what makes Al-Azhar’s admission process distinctive and how you can improve your chances of becoming part of this prestigious institution.

Costs of Studying at Al-Azhar

The cost of studying at Al-Azhar is relatively affordable compared to global standards, particularly for Egyptian nationals and students from Islamic countries, reflecting the university’s commitment to making Islamic education accessible. However, international students may face higher fees, which vary depending on the program and level of study. Besides tuition, prospective students should also consider the cost of living in Cairo, including accommodation, transportation, and personal expenses, which can add significantly to the overall cost of education.

What is Al-Azhar?

Al-Azhar University, located in Cairo, Egypt, stands as one of the oldest degree-granting universities in the world, renowned for its profound influence in the Islamic world. Established in 970-972 as a center of Islamic learning, it has grown to encompass a wide range of academic disciplines while remaining at the heart of Sunni theology and Arabic literature. As a hub of religious and secular education, Al-Azhar is unique in its approach to blending traditional Islamic studies with modern academic fields, making it a pivotal institution for Islamic scholars and students from around the globe.


Al-Azhar University not only represents academic rigor but also a profound cultural and religious heritage that has been shaping minds for over a millennium. The road to admission is challenging and requires a blend of academic prowess and active engagement in personal development activities. Aspiring to join the ranks of Al-Azhar’s esteemed alumni means preparing extensively for its demanding entrance exams and meeting its holistic selection criteria. For those dedicated to pursuing a comprehensive education in an enriching environment, Al-Azhar remains a beacon of knowledge and tradition in the modern academic world.

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